Friday 31 January 2014

well, recently ,,
I have been searching for nigahiga quotes 
and somehow the quotes from an anonymous person
come out and it says

*It is just a scar 
It's not you*

I am a bit startled after I read this ,,,
It's so straightforward
huhuhuhu,,,, scary quotes

And for the ryan's quotes that I've been searching

*kill the fly in the past
It will drastically change the future*

one from the off the pill rant -stink people
it's quite famouss ! haha !

Anyway , let's go with spongebob quotes :

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Dont try to understand me cause I want to be the #1 to understand myself

How to understand yourself ;
when you not even know who you are.

I try to be more friendly to my freinds ;
Yet I forgot to be friendly to myself

Am I too busy thinking for others -
who don't even care about me

I always hide my feelings ;
that others would be shock
if they know that is me

The things matter the most was in my heart
that I coudn't tell anyone but myself

How do you think the feelings
to be someone else,
then pretend to be my bestfriends
when it is actually me..

Why do you think that I have to be someone else
to listen to my concerned...
while I adviced the other not to be

If just I'm strong enough it's okay
But did I ?
I guess not

Like patrick say :

Will my FRIENDS know that I am
actually concerned ...

I will just heal myself ;
yet no one knows

Like Mr. Krabs say :

Saturday 26 October 2013

people talk loud when they wanna act smart

Isnin periksa sains & math...
tak belajar lagi :(((

TAPI !! kitorang ade jamuan F5F1 !!!!!!!!!!!!
Confirm best !!

BUT ! what upset me was ade la sorang ni..
nak mintak tolong punya la pertikai ..
'Bukan AJK kena buat ke ?'
'asal aku pulak'
'mane aku tau,,, walaupun aku ni f1.. ade aku kesah ?'

Pegi bla la kalau kau taknak sgt tlg,,,
tak leh cakap tak leh ,,, grrr
takpe la,,, biar la dia
aku tak aman kalau aku fikir...
so the pengajaran is :

As squidward says ,

" people talk loud when they wanna act smart "

Wednesday 2 October 2013


Fine, masalah asrama sape je boleh settle kan..
suruh minta maaf public2 pulak !!

Gaduh normal kan..
ye kami salah
denda kami
kami sanggup
aspura, even kita baik camane pon
kalau tak ikhlas sama je


Tuesday 6 August 2013

Sepanjang Ramadhan

    Bapak happy dapat cutiiiiii !!!!!!!!
Aku nak tgk citer Sirius dgn Raising apa benda tah
tapi ntah la... 
banyak gila homeworkk.....

Ramadhan dah nak pergiii
Tahun ni..
aku dapat cari erti ramadhan (Y)
tak sangka ramadhan tu benda yg boleh buat aku sangat happy !

hari tu aku bukak fb..
pastu , aku tgk ramai post 'slamat hari raya warga fb blabla'
tetiba , sunoko on
pastu dia kata en
'selamat menyambut ramadhan terakhir'

Hakikatnya, org bukan islam ucap benda yg lebih
bagi kita impak berbanding org islam sendiri
apa la nak jadi....

hari tu aku periksa PISA ...
math dgn sains..
kata cikgu, satu asia periksa
sekolah aku form 1 ngan form 2 wajib ambil
priksa ni untuk rank balik semua negara kat asia

Cikgu kata soalan dia Hot
(High Order Thinking)
tapi yg selalu kat negara kita LOT
(Low Order Thinking)

Math kan ....fuuuusssshhhhhh
takdela susah mane,
tapi, semua soalan solving problem
masa 1 jam !!!
sah tak sempat

sains pulak ....
aku ok je,,, semua soalan dpt jawab
sng je la kiranya

apa2 pun ....

Bye ramadhan ....Moga bertemu lagi !!!!

Saturday 27 July 2013


Got to go to Shopping,,,,,
malam ni aku buka dengan sushi !!!!
puasa yg ke 20 ni mmg bawa tuah
tpi tak tau lagi nak raya kat mana,,
maybe kat sini ........
apa2 pon :D
be happy !!!~~~

Saturday 20 July 2013


Aku nak start blog ni dari awal...
tapi aku tanak ade readers,,,
atau apa2 pon,,
aku insan yg mncari ketenangan :)